About / Branding
Our Organization
Our organization is Mathematical Puzzle Programs, or MaPP for short. We are an ad hoc collective of mathematicians and puzzle enthusiasts who aim to encourage young people to engage in mathematical problem-solving by organizing puzzle events at locations across the United States and elsewhere. At this time we are not an officially incorporated non-profit organization, but we are not a business and do not operate for the profit of any of our associated members.
Our partner campuses are encouraged to represent their relationship with MaPP as follows, using the University of South Alabama (officially abbreviated as South) as an example. You can refer to your school’s branding guide for more information as well.
Mathematical Puzzle Programs at the University of South Alabama
MaPP at the University of South Alabama
The University of South Alabama, in partnership with Mathematical Puzzle Programs
Our web domain and social media accounts use MaPPmath to differentiate us from other brands using the acronym MaPP.
Our Programs
Our puzzlehunt program is the MaPP Challenge. When referring to a specific game, the year (using the spring of the academic year) is used with an apostrophe, e.g. MaPP Challenge ‘18. The apostrophe is not used when abbreviating to hashtag, e.g. #Challenge18.
MaPP previously organized two other puzzlehunts: High School Challenge (HSC for short) and Middle School Challenge (MSC for short), however as of Challenge '18 these were merged into one challenge. When referring to a specific instance of a program, the last two digits of the following spring preceded by an apostrophe are used; for example, the High School Challenge run during the 2016-17 school year is called the High School Challenge ‘17. When abbreviated, the apostrophe is not used, e.g. HSC17.
Our Logos
Source files for MaPP logos may be found on GitHub. For best results, resize the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) version of the appropriate logo to fit your needs.